14. Monday 8th, Wednesday 9th June, Thursday 10th, Friday 11th June: Reported Speech (other changes),

Monday 8th, Wednesday 9th June, Thursday 10th, Friday 11th June2020

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We're going to continue learning about REPORTED SPEECH:

We have learnt about the reported speech and the backshift of tenses ( changes in the tense of verbs) / Hemos aprendido que en el estilo indirecto se cambian los verbos del estilo directo al indirecto. A ese cambio en los verbos los llamamos Backshift of tenses y os recuerdo que son los siguientes:

  • Direct Speech → Peter: “I work in the garden.”
  • Reported Speech → Peter said (that)* he worked in the garden.
Direct SpeechReported Speech
Simple forms
Simple PresentSimple Past
Simple PastPast Perfect
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Progressive forms
was/werehad been
has been
had been
But there are more changes, not only the verbs. Take a look!

Conversion of expressions of time and place

If there is an expression of time/place in the sentence, it may be changed, depending on the situation.
  • Direct Speech → Peter: “I worked in the garden yesterday.”
  • Reported Speech → Peter said (that) he had worked in the garden the day before.
Resultado de imagen de reported speech

ACTIVITY 1. Copy the following chart above in your notebooks.
copia la tabla de arriba en vuestras libretas

ACTIVITY 2. Follow the link and do the exercise online, then check your answers (just do it, don't write it down or send me screenshots):

ACTIVITY 3. Copy the following chart below in your notebooks. 
Copia la tabla de abajo en vuestras libretas

Change of persons/pronouns

If there is a pronoun in Direct Speech, it has possibly to be changed in Reported Speech, depending on the situation.
  • Direct Speech → Susan: “I work in an office.”
  • Reported Speech → Susan said (that)* she worked in an office.

Here I is changed to she.

ACTIVITY 4. Follow the link and do the exercise online, then check your answers: