6. 22nd and 23rd April : World Book Day

Wednesday 22nd, Thursday 23rd April, 2020

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Every year on April 23rd millions of people around the world celebrate books and reading on ‘World Book Day’. 
The date is important because two great writers died on this day in 1616; William Shakespeare, the English playwright and poet and Miguel de Cervantes, the Spanish writer. 
So, what happens on this special day each year? Well, it depens on the city where you live but , usually, schools, book shops and libraries hold all kinds of fun events. People wear costumes of their favourite book characters, authors sign copies of their books, story-tellers read to children and adults … and much more.

How are we going to celebrate this day? we're going to do the following activities

ACTIVITY 1. But what do you know about Shakespeare? Watch this video which is a trailer of a film based on his life (Shakespeare in love):

ACTIVITY 2.  Read the following infographic about Shakespeare and translate these sentences into Spanish ( write it down in your notebook/ Copialo en tu libreta):


ACTIVITY 3. The Guinness Book of Records lists 410 feature-length film and TV versions of William Shakespeare's plays as having been produced, making Shakespeare the most filmed author ever in any language. Some are faithful to the original story and text, while others are adaptations that use only the plots rather than his dialogue. Write at least four films based in his works / Dime al menos 4 películas basadas en sus obras (Copialo en tu libreta).

For example Romeo +Juliet with Dicaprio as main character / aquí tenéis un ejemplo de película basada en una de sus obras más conocidas ( es una versión moderna como podéis ver en el trailer):

ACTIVITY 4. Answer the following quiz on Shakespeare? ( write it down in your notebook)
You have to investigate on the Internet, for example in Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare

Shakespeare Quiz 

 Shakespeare was born in ______.
He died in ____________
 Shakespeare wrote _______ plays and _______sonnets.
 One play called "Cardenio" has no written record today. Only 36 plays can be read today. Shakespeare was in love.
At age _________, he married the 26 year old A______ H_____.
They were married the rest of Shakespeare's life…
 From her balcony, __________ famously said "O, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou ________?," in "Romeo and Juliet". 
Hamlet uttered the famous words, "________________" in Shakespeare's "Hamlet".
 Shakespeare was born in _________________, just 5 miles from L_________.
 The ___________ was an Elizabethan theatre, Shakespeare partially owned, where he performed many of his plays. A reconstruction exists today in the same suburb as the original in Southwark.
 Shakespeare acted in his own plays before Queen _________ and King __________.
 There is no historical evidence for the romance occurring in the movie. It may have happened but Shakespeare was married at the time.
 He __________________ the word "assassination" amongst others.